Tuesday 19 April 2016

Broadening My Horizons

When I created this blog, I had in mind to just share pictures of the drawings and paintings I did, just so that it would be easier for me to show people who might be interested to see what I can do and have everything gathered in one place. It started as a very bird centric blog and then I expanded it to people once I completed the 29 Faces Challenge.

At this point, I decided that a change of name and image was in order. I'm not incredibly gifted when it comes to web designing (although back in the 90's I was able to make a really kitschy website with lots of flashing icons in my sleep). These times have changed and I now rely heavily on whatever tools Blogger has at hand to make this electronically suitable for this day and age.

The changes were made and then I started adding links to my favourite pages and shops. I have 'met' all of these people and I have formed some good relationships with them. Make sure to check them out on the left hand column.

The first person I added was Ray Hendrix from R.M. Noble Designs who does professional logos for companies, clubs, t-shirts. He even designed the logo for my translation company and I am forever grateful for that. He managed to capture what I was about while still maintaining a strong professional appearance.

The second link is for Morgan LeFae's Trinkets. Monique is the maker of stunning traveller’s notebooks. The trend started with the company Midori that was making some minimalistic leather covers that could house several notebooks at once. Monique took the style further and now creates true works of art. Check out her shop and web page on the left hand side to have an idea of what her creations look like and how versatile they are.

The last link (for now) is of a publishing company called Creativia. They have released some really great novels in many genres on Amazon, many of which have gone on to become best sellers. It's definitely worth the detour to discover some new favourite authors (my favourite novel so far is Apparition Lake by Doug and Daniel D. Lamoreux).

I have therefore decided to not only publish my latest artworks but to also share book reviews and talk about my ever-lasting love of traveller's notebooks. So expect to see a lot of variation in the next few posts!

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