Friday 29 May 2015

Electronic Art

While I was looking for the best way to colour my drawings and failing miserably to find the right markers, I spoke with a fellow artist (Facebook page and shop) who does a lot of electronic art using Adobe Photoshop. After looking at his wonderful designs and getting a few tips, I opened my Photoshop wannabes (Gimp and Inkscape) and watched a few tutorials online and got started. It's worth noting that both Gimp and Inkscape combined are a very good replacement for Photoshop. It's not Photoshop, but it's still very close and you can still do some really good designs with it.

At the time, I was obsessed with (recapturing my youth) the imagery of My Little Pony (or MLP for the Bronies out there) and I started designing a few ponies of my own.

Pagan Pony
Hippy Pony
Punk Pony

With time, I managed to get the hang of it although I still, for the life of me, can't manage to do some decent shading work so for now, it's going to be bold two-dimensional designs.

I have phases when I'm all about electronic art and other times when I go back to being 'old-school' and feel contented with just using pen and paper.

Here are a few non-MLP electronic drawings:

I love skulls and crochet, so why not both?

Done as a way to motivate my daughter to eat more veggies!

My ever present raven

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